How do I house my superworms? February 8, 2022After you have ordered your superworms from, they will arrive in a small plastic tub or cloth sack used for transport. It's best to take them out of this...
How do I gut-load superworms? February 8, 2022High-quality commercial superworm gut load formula can be used, or you can give them pieces of nutritious, nontoxic vegetables like squash, sweet potato, and dark leafy greens. Avoid using avocado,...
How do I feed superworms to my pets? February 8, 2022Before being fed to a reptile or amphibian, superworms need to be coated in calcium powder, which helps balance the high amount of phosphorus that they contain. Do this by...
Do superworms bite? February 8, 2022Yes, they can bite, but it's not likely to hurt. Their mouths are too small to damage human skin. They may be able to hurt reptiles and amphibians with thin...
Do I need to dust superworms with supplements before feeding them to my pet? February 8, 2022Yes. Superworms contain unusually high amounts of phosphorus, which can prevent your pet from absorbing calcium properly. This is resolved by dusting superworms with high-quality, superfine calcium powder before feeding....
Can I make small or medium superworms larger? February 8, 2022Yes, if you feed and house your superworms properly, they will naturally grow larger with time. Some of them may even turn into beetles! You can find detailed information on...