What substrate should be used for superworms? February 11, 2022Superworms tend to do best in an oat bran substrate. This substrate functions as both a bedding and a food source, although they still need a separate source of hydration,...
What do superworms eat? February 11, 2022Superworms are not picky eaters — they'll eat just about anything you give them. However, the nutrition that your pet receives from eating them is affected by their diet, so...
What are the nutrition facts for superworms? February 11, 2022 Moisture — 57.9% Protein — 19.7% Fat — 17.7% Ash — 1.0% Fiber — 2.7% Calcium — 177mg/kg Phosphorus — 2370mg/kg
What are superworms? February 11, 2022Superworms (Zophobas morio) are a type of darkling beetle larvae. They are a common feeder insect for both insectivorous and omnivorous reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and other exotic pets. This is...
Some of my superworms are white! Is there something wrong with them? February 8, 2022This is perfectly normal. Like other insects, superworms shed their exoskeleton (outer shell) periodically as they grow, a behavior known as molting. Freshly molted superworms are creamy white in color and...
How old/big does my pet need to be before I can start feeding them superworms? February 8, 2022Superworms can generally be fed to any reptile/amphibian/invertebrate of any size, although tegus and large monitors may not be interested in them. The size of your pet will determine what size of...