If you are wanting to own an exotic pet, chances are that you will need some kind of enclosure/terrarium/tank to keep them in. Terrariums are simply containers that are designed to hold small plants or animals in a controlled environment. You need a small piece of the environment that matches to your new pet's environment, contributing to their survival and ability to thrive, that is where your enclosure comes in. Ensure to thoroughly research the elements needed for your pet and thoroughly prepare your tank before buying your new pet. This means you will have no surprises; like being unable to obtain a necessary item or not being able to afford something in the timeframe that you need it. Once you have your set up all made up with the necessary tools then you can go ahead and add your new pet!
What lighting can be used?
You can use the same lighting as with any other standard reptile enclosure, depending on the reptile in question, different species will require different light and heat. You can affix your lighting inside the enclosure, or you can rest it on top of the screen mesh as long as it is strong enough to penetrate the mesh and still have enough of the light reach your reptile. We do not provide neither lighting or the equipment in order to do this with the enclosure, however, you can try using industrial velcro, heavy duty sticky hooks or industrial tape. But there are many ways to do it, you may have your own way which may work fine!
Bear in mind that since this enclosure is pretty large, if you are upgrading the size you will also need to upgrade the lighting so you can keep your pet nice and warm and with plenty of whichever light they need to survive. Due to the length of the tank, if your pet needs UVB it is recommended to use a fluorescent tube style UVB fixture and bulb so that the UVB covers a good distance across the enclosure. Brands such as Zoo Med, Arcadia, Zilla and Exo Terra are some of the best brands to get. Find lighting options
here and heating options
here, if you cannot find what you need, check out our sister site
ReptileSupply.com which is more focused on supplies for your reptile and may have what you are looking for!!
We carry a wide range of options for light and also heat which can be imperative for their health.
When considering UVB lighting for your reptile, you will have to take into account which bulbs you are using and what strength, as well as your pet of choice's individual needs. When using a T5 on top of the screen, the distance from the basking spot and the UVB should be between 12"-15". If you are using a T8, it would need to be installed on the inside of the tank and the distance should be about 6"-10". This is for bearded dragons only, other reptiles and amphibians will have different needs which will need to be researched before buying your pet! You can purchase a UV index card which can measure the UVB in your enclosure at different distances to see how much UVB is reaching your reptile. See below for a chart to help you on lighting; if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our customer care team!
Can I add a U(Under). T(Tank). H(Heater) to the bottom of the enclosure?
Yes, there is no reason you wouldn't be able to. Ensure that you have done the necessary research on the subject of your pet and don't use a U.T.H
Does the mesh stop UVB from getting through the lid?
As mentioned above your UVB is going to be different if you are changing enclosure size, mounting your UVB on the mesh does block some of the UVB but as long as yours is strong enough that should not be an issue. As you can see from the image below, the mesh screen can block next to 43% of light that comes through the screen, this may sound like a lot but it is a pretty common measurement, you can use products usually known as UV index cards, that are made to measure UVB to ensure that your animal is getting what they need.

The tight mesh of the screen is why it is best to use a T5 UVB light when placing your UVB on top of the screen, you will also need it to be 10.0 or above. It is not just UVB that the mesh blocks so if you are upgrading the size of your tank then you will also need to upgrade your heat equipment. But the mesh being made tightly woven with sturdy metal also allows you to use heavier equipment on top of the tank. Some tanks may allow more light through, but can break easily, even having lights fall through the screen.
What door locks can be used?
Since the tank is front opening it may be necessary for you to use a lock on the door to prevent your pet from escaping! This is particularly the case with snakes but many reptiles and amphibians can be sneaky!
Do we sell locks?
We do sell a variety of locks on our sister site ReptileSupply.com, click
here to see what may be suitable for your needs!
What substrate should I use for the bottom of the tank?
Anything! Well, not literally anything, you need something that is going to give your reptile some comfort and grip, you are able to use all the usual types of substrate such as slate tile (added benefit of keeping their nails short, has a natural look, is easy to clean.) carpet, non-adhesive shelf liner (easy to remove and keep clean), sand mats, sand and soil etc. You can see the various options we provide right
Can I use a bioactive substrate?
Yes, you absolutely can! You have about two inches of space at the bottom of the tank until you reach the front opening doors so you can easily do a bioactive substrate as long as you do the research and make sure you do it correctly. Isopods can make a great cleaner crew for your bioactive setup, check out our range
How easy are these enclosures to put together?
We provide thorough instructions on paper, online on our website and will be happy to send you another copy if you get in touch with our customer service department. We have tested the market with previous models to see what changes needed to be made in order to make them as simple to put together as possible! You can find the instructions
here! Our enclosures are made to be balanced between price and quality, you may find similar enclosures cheaper than other stores and as such there may be a difference in quality making ours superior in that respect. If you find something at the same price but that lo. But we have been told by our customers that these are just as good as other more expensive enclosures, if not better! We offer free technical support through our customer service team and are more than happy to make things right should anything go awry with your new vivarium!
Are these stackable?
Yes! They are stackable with one another of the same size, without any special equipment, if you wanted to try and stack with a different brand you may need to use something else in order to do this.
How well does the enclosure hold humidity?
This depends on the humidity in the space you have the tank kept, and also the humidity in the atmosphere outside. But you will find a vent that can be opened on the size in order to increase ventilation and bringing humidity down. Also, using a ventilated lid such as the one on the Vivariums.com™ helps add more ventilation to help keep down the humidity. It is vitally important that you keep a constant measure of the humidity in your tank using a hygrometer, take a look
here at some that we provide!
What decorations can I use?
You can use anything that you would have used with another enclosure, bear in mind that the plexiglass can be scratched so it would be a good idea to be careful when adding items such as rocks. Animals are much the same as humans in the way that they can get bored or uncomfortable. With all that space in your new enclosure, your animal will love the enrichment that can be provided with all the fun things you can find for decorations! Check out our
Decor section for ideas!
Can I replace the doors with glass ones?
See below for the measurements of the doors:
Plexi glass door: 3/16 of an inch. 24''x19'.
Panel 2a: L: 46 11/16" W (thickness): 5/16" H: 22 3/4"
You can absolutely have your own made if you wish. Just bear in mind that there may be very slight differences in the size of the pieces so with anything that needs to be accurate, take the measurement yourself before making them/getting them made.
Do you only sell the 120 gallon enclosure?
Currently, that is the only size we have in stock. But we are going to be getting other size enclosures in as soon as we can, you can see some examples on the website, to be alerted as to when that size will be in stock, You can find these
here, click on the product and enter your email address to be reminded by email when they come in stock!