What is the gender ratio of males to females of your dubia? February 8, 2022We do not guarantee the gender of our dubia nymphs, the feeders you buy are completely random when it comes to the mix of males and females. We do sell...
What are these other bugs in with the roaches I ordered? February 8, 2022This would be our cleaner crew! These are very useful insects that we use to help keep our roaches clean by feeding on there dead bodies of the roaches. Some...
How much water do I need to prepare dry Dubia Dew? February 8, 2022One ounce of dry Dubia Dew crystals can absorb up to one gallon of water. If you're not sure how much Dubia Dew you have, add more water than you...
How many dubia roaches am I getting if I get 5 adult pairs? February 8, 2022If you but 5 adult pairs, you will receive 5 males and 5 females, so 10 in total.
Can I order pre-sexed dubia nymphs? February 8, 2022Male and female dubia roaches look very similar before they reach adulthood, so to prevent errors we do not guarantee sex on any of our dubia roach nymphs. If you...
Do you include heat/cold packs with orders? February 8, 2022We do not include heat or cold packs in our orders. We have found that they can cause more harm than good by actually overheating the insects. We package our...