Gidgee Skink Care Sheet August 23, 2021The gidgee skink (Egernia stokesii) is a 7-10” long, diurnal, terrestrial lizard native to Australia. They prefer arid to semi-arid habitats with plenty of rocks for cover, as they spend...
Peters Banded Skink Care Sheet August 9, 2021The Peter's banded skink (Scincopus fasciatus) is a 5-7” long, nocturnal, fossorial lizard native to the Sahel region of Africa. They prefer habitat with sandy soil and arid conditions, and have...
Green Keel-Bellied Lizard Care Sheet June 25, 2021The green keel-bellied lizard (Gastropholis prasina) is a 10-14” long, diurnal, arboreal lizard native to Kenya and Tanzania. They are proficient climbers and spend most of their time in the...
Fire Skink Care Sheet June 16, 2021The fire skink (Mochlus fernandi) is a 12-15” long, diurnal lizard native to west Africa. They can be found in tropical forest and woodland habitats, where they dwell on the...
Emerald Tree Skink Care Sheet June 10, 2021The emerald tree skink (Lamprolepis smaragdina) is an 8.5-10” long, diurnal, arboreal lizard native to the islands of southeast Asia. They prefer tropical forests for habitat, spending most of their...
Long-Tailed Grass Lizard Care Sheet June 9, 2021The long-tailed grass lizard (Takydromus sexlineatus) is a 10-12” long, diurnal, terrestrial lizard native to southeast Asia. True to their name, they can typically be found living among tall grass...