How to Care for Your Golden Gecko February 12, 2021Golden geckos (Gekko badenii) are 6-8” long, nocturnal, arboreal lizards from Vietnam. They primarily live in tropical rainforests, but are also known to live in rural human dwellings. Golden geckos...
How to Care for Your Giant Day Gecko February 12, 2021Giant day geckos (Phelsuma grandis) are medium-sized arboreal lizards found in the tropical forests of Madagascar. They have an elongated but stout body, tapered snout, thick tail, round eyes, and...
Tokay Gecko Care Sheet February 3, 2021Tokay geckos (Gekko gecko) are one of the largest known geckos, growing 10-12” long on average and sometimes as long as 16”! They are native to Indonesia, parts of India,...
Leopard Gecko Care Sheet January 29, 2021Table of Contents Introduction Enclosure Lighting Heating Humidity Substrate Décor Food Handling Health Resources Introduction Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) are 7-10” long, nocturnal geckos native to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and...
Crested Gecko Care Sheet December 22, 2020Table of Contents Introduction Enclosure Lighting Heating Humidity Substrate Décor Food Handling Health Resources Introduction Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus) are 6-8” long, arboreal lizards native to New Caledonia. They...
African Fat-Tailed Gecko Care Sheet December 18, 2020African Fat-Tailed Geckos (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) are mid-sized, nocturnal, terrestrial geckos native to dry and moist savanna areas of west Africa. Adults are generally 8-10” long, and they can live 15-20...