How long will my dubia roaches live? February 8, 2022Dubia roaches are perhaps the most long-living feeder insect available for your pet, they take months to even grow and as long as you keep them properly (see how to...
How long do dubia roaches last? February 8, 2022When kept properly, dubia roaches can last for months. Keep in mind that they will grow over time, so unless your pet is big enough to eat adult dubia roaches,...
How do I house/store my dubia roaches? February 8, 2022Housing dubia is similar to how you house crickets. They will need a plastic tub with a ventilated lid, egg flats to climb and hide in, a source of food,...
How do I feed dubia roaches to my pet? February 8, 2022The first thing you will need to do is dust the dubia roaches with calcium power. This helps correct their natural imbalance of calcium to phosphorus — the ideal Ca:P ratio...
How do I breed dubia roaches? February 8, 2022Dubia roaches are not hard to breed, which is why many people with multiple insectivorous pets will choose to start a colony. All you need is a secure enclosure, a...
Do you sell breeder colonies? February 8, 2022We do not sell them currently, this may change but currently, we prefer to sell the individual elements that you need to create your own. We sell the adult males,...