Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3, 3.3oz

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Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3, 3.3oz

Regular price $7.99
Regular price $8.99 Sale price $7.99
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Most captive-bred feeder insects are naturally low in calcium, which is a problem for pet reptiles, which are dependent on calcium for healthy bones, nervous function, muscle function, digestive function, and more. By lightly dusting feeder insects with phosphorus-free calcium powder, you can help correct this natural imbalance and make sure that your pet is getting the calcium its body needs.

Wild reptiles make the vitamin D3 they need in their skin when exposed to sunlight. But when pet reptiles don't have access to high-quality UVB lighting in sufficient quantities, their bodies are unable to make the D3 that they need, which can lead to life-threatening health problems such as Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). Calcium supplements that contain vitamin D3 help reptiles that aren't getting enough D3 from UVB lighting.

The Rep-Cal brand has been recommended by veterinarians and zoos around the world for over 30 years, and is proudly made in the USA! Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 is a calcium powder supplement made from all-natural, finely-ground oyster shell to balance your reptile's nutrition and help it live a long, healthy life. 

How to use:

This supplement is designed to be mixed 50/50 with Herptivite multivitamin powder before using.

Insectivores and Omnivores: Place feeder insects in a bag along with Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 and shake gently until evenly coated.

Herbivores: Add 1 tablespoon of Rep-Cal+Herptivite mixture per pound of food.

Guaranteed Analysis:

Calcium (min) 35.0%

Calcium (max) 40.0%

Vitamin D3 (min) 400,000 IU/kg


Calcium carbonate, vitamin d3 supplement. Contains no added starch, sugar, soy, preservatives, artificial coloring, flavoring, or fragrance.