Exo Terra Coco Husk, 4qt

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Exo Terra Coco Husk, 4qt

Regular price $3.99
Regular price $4.99 Sale price $3.99
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Substrate is an important part of any reptile, amphibian, or invertebrate terrarium. It helps maintain optimal humidity levels, provides a burrowing medium, cushions your pet's joints, and also increases the attractiveness of the setup. It also helps make waste cleanup easier!

Exo Terra Coco Husk is a substrate made from small pieces of coconut husks. This pH-neutral material excels at absorbing and retaining water for maintaining high humidity levels in your terrarium. Plus, it's a much more sustainable alternative to cypress mulch!

Best used in temperate (forest) and tropical terrariums. This substrate is not recommended for desert-type reptiles, amphibians, or invertebrates.